18 April 2016

Details Are Sketchy . . .

Visual art comes in all varieties -- from a painting labored over endlessly in an atelier to a quick study done on the fly.

Work that certainly fits the latter category is that of courtroom artists.  The best of them are masters at capturing the mood of the proceedings and the participants, like Charles Manson at his 1970 trial:

As I footnote, I was among a group of journalists who covered the 1992 rape trial of boxer Mike Tyson in Indianapolis. The courtroom artist for NBC News decided to include us in a drawing she did near the end of the proceedings.  Her title:  The Real Jury.

These readers love my brother's debut thriller . . . and so will you!

"I found myself not being able to put the book down...it just got better and better."  LS, Arizona

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"Had me on the edge of my seat!" JR, OH

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