17 April 2016

Right in Front of Your Eyes

Smartphone cameras and filter apps are a real boon to creativity if you stay open to the possibilities.  I've learned never to overlook the most mundane objects or situations.

Here are three examples:

 Alpha Centauri

 Detail, Shroud of Turin


What are they?  Alpha Centauri is half of an avocado.  Detail, Shroud of Turin is strawberry stains on a sheet of paper towel.   Hypnagogia?  That's the inner rim of an etched sconce light.

And, as I've said before, creative titling makes all the difference. 

Five-star reviews for my brother's debut thriller!  Order your copy now.

"It maps the tortures of the human soul in a completely unexpected and shocking way.  Read it!" CE, Illinois

 "This novel picks you up by the scruff of your neck and doesn't let you go until the final pages!" VB. London 

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