21 April 2016

The Click of the Shutter

Among the images that have left the greatest impression are those taken by that special breed -- the photojournalist.


Iwo Jima . . . Kent State . . . 9-11.  

Our recollection of important events is often demarcated by images such as these.  To get them, photojournalists not infrequently risk their own necks in dangerous situations and bury their own emotional response to the heart-wrenching scenes unfolding before them.

One drama that has riveted the world is the plight of refugees putting their lives on the line to escape the horrors of war in the Middle East for an uncertain future in Europe. And this saga has been documented by the photojournalists working for the Thomson Reuters News Agency.  Their work, which is as powerful as any you will see, has earned them this year's Pulitzer Prize.  

If you've been tempted to read my brother's debut thriller, you should order it right now. Here's what readers are saying:

"I found myself not being able to put the book down...it just got better and better."  LS, Arizona

"It maps the tortures of the human soul in a completely unexpected and shocking way.  Read it!" CE, Illinois

"Well-written and exciting. I would recommend it!" JR, Ohio

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